Built on an American heros legacy. It wasnt until half a century after he served that Forged by War designer Austin McGlaun discovered his late uncle won the Silver Star at Point Du Hoc. To honor his service he designed this colossal Karambit fixed blade knife. With the help of Ryan Johnson of RMJ Tactical its been perfected as a missioninspired eye catcher from the tip of the recurved blade to the thumb ring at the end of the handle. As a part of the Forged By War program Austins design matched with Ryans expertise makes the Du Hoc a powerful tactical carry. An ominous 5 carbon steel recurved blade sharp on the nose and the belly is a dependable companion in a selfdefense situation. A thumb ring sits proudly atop the textured G10 handle for an unbreakable traditional Karambitstyle grip.