This unique expression of the Delica 4 Lightweight combines all the features of this bestselling model with a multicolored handdyed zome handle. Zome pronounced zohmay is a class of Japanese handicrafts that focuses on dyeing textiles. Inspired by this rich artistic heritage Spydercos Zome knives are unique variations of our lightweight models which feature injectionmolded fiberglassreinforcednylon handles. The handles are molded in a light base color and then individually hand dyed by expert Japanese artisans. Using a technique reminiscent of traditional hikizome brush dyeing various colors of dye are hand brushed onto the handle to create distinctive oneofakind patterns. This Delica 4 Lightweight boasts all the defining features including a fullflatground VG10 stainless steel blade a sturdy back lock mechanism skeletonized stainless steel liners and a fourposition pocket clip. Its injectionmolded FRN handle showcases a brilliant handdyed zome pattern in shades of green.